
Understanding Tally XML Format

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In this video, the Tally XML format will be explained to enable you to transfer data from a third party application into TallyPrime This video covers;

  • How to create a Company in Tally
  • How to create Masters/Transactions in the Company

- Ledger (an accounting master)- Stock Item (an inventory master)- Payment Voucher (contains accounting details)- Sales Voucher (includes inventory details

  • How to Export the Masters/Transactions in XML Format

From Tally integration with XML to Tally XML format for masters to Tally XML format for Voucher, check out the video below to learn more.

A] Tally XML Interface (Read and Write)

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is the standard for information exchange with external systems. Tally.ERP 9 supports standardized message formats for Request/Response.Tally.ERP 9 can communicate with any environment capable of sending and receiving XML over HTTP. Tally can act as an HTTP server capable of receiving an XML Request and responding with an XML Response.The entire Tally Data can be made available to the requesting application. It is also possible for the application to store data into Tally Database. Using the same interface, Tally can interact with a Web Service delivering Data over HTTP.In this scenario, Tally behaves as a client retrieving and storing data into an external database. The Web Service capable of handling Tally Request/Response serves as a layer between Tally and External Database.

B] Interface & Integrate-ability

  • Tally.ERP 9 integrates with your other existing (or planned) IT solutions with ease, thanks to the many industry-standard interfaces that are supported.
  • A spreadsheet in MS-Excel ® can be programmed to extract timely information from Tally.ERP 9 using the ODBC interface. An SMS alert product can poll this interface and keep you updated on your cash and bank balances. These are simple examples of the many integration capabilities available to you.
  • The most versatile and powerful interface is the SOAP capability of Tally.ERP 9. All standard IT products, programming languages, and development tools support XML. Without writing a single line of code in TDL, an application can read and write into Tally.ERP 9.

C] Tally Tags

1. Header Tag: Enclosed with the tag HEADER with open tag and HEADER with close tag , in Tally, the header tags provide all the header information.2. Version Tag: Used in Header tags, the tag is a mandatory tag in Tally as it provides the version of the messaging format.3. Tally Request Tag: For specifying a particular type of request, the tag is used. This tag helps determine the response required, and the permissible values for this tag are; Import, Export and Execute.

  • Import: This is used to import data from the XML fragment to Tally. A request is made to Import Data or File, which can be specified within the subsequent tags. Here, Tally helps validate and save the data.
  • Export: This is used to retrieve data from Tally. A request is made to Export Data, Collection, Object, Function, etc which is specified within the tag .
  • Execute: This is used to execute some TDL Action in Tally.ERP 9. A request is made to Execute TDL Action, which can be specified within the tag.

D] How to Create a Company in Tally?

Step 1 - Once you’ve downloaded the Tally.ERP 9 software and installed the same, go the menu section. Here, choose ‘Create a company.’ Next, a screen will pop-up, wherein you need to enter the details of your company.

Create Company

Step 2 - Beginning with the company name, you need to add the address of the company address, telephone number, and details on statutory compliance.

Next, if you are using Tally only to manage your accounts, then select ‘Accounts info’. But, if you are using Tally for inventory management as well, then you need to select ‘Accounts with inventory’ for the menu.Lastly, select the preferred currency. Enter the start date of the financial year and the start date for the books. Plus, turn on the ‘Auto backup’, so you have a copy handy if need be.Go here to learn more about how to create Ledgers and Vouchers in Tally.Also, follow the steps mentioned below in the video to know how to Export the Masters/Transactions in XML Format.

Already using other business solutions and want to use the power of accounting, finance and reporting of Tally.ERP 9?

  • Your development team or our development partners can export the data format from Tally.ERP 9, build the XML structure with data and push it into Tally.ERP 9.
  • In the same way, query any report that is available (or developed with TDL), get that data in XML and pull that into other applications.
  • Advanced capabilities, internal unique identifiers, multi-lingual and error responses will meet your most exacting needs of integration.
  • The opposite is also supported - need to look at a report in Tally.ERP 9 with data that is externally available? Say a comparison with actual and planned values, the planned values available in another application.
  • Whatever your need – Tally.ERP 9 as the ‘hub’ in an IT solution stack, or a ‘spoke’, the technical capabilities are available by default, at no extra cost.

Get in touch if you need help.For more information visit:

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