What are the Types of Returns Under GST?

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Convergence is the key to GST; convergence between states and central taxes.Consider what happens today. A manufacturer who is compliant under Central Excise, Service Tax, and VAT has to file returns as specified by each of the states. The manufacturer has to deal with returns, annexures, and registers for Excise, Service tax and VAT with monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly periodicity.With GST in place, it does not matter whether you are a trader, manufacturer or a reseller, you only need to file GST returns.Wow! This sounds good. Let us understand different types of return forms in GST.Under GST, there are 8 forms for filing of returns by tax payers. All these forms are required to be e-filed. The details of each form are listed below along with details of applicability and periodicity.

Regular Dealer

Form TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be Furnished Form GSTR-1Monthly10th of succeeding monthFurnish details of outward supplies of taxable goods and/or services affectedForm GSTR-2AMonthlyOn 11th of succeeding MonthAuto-populated details of inward supplies made available to the recipient on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplierForm GSTR-2Monthly15th of succeeding monthDetails of inward supplies of taxable goods and/or services claiming input tax credit. Addition or modification in Form GSTR-1 should be submitted in Form GSTR-2.Form GSTR-1AMonthlyDate on which such Amendments are doneDetails of outward supplies as added, corrected or deleted by the recipient in Form GSTR-2 will be made available to supplierForm GSTR-3Monthly20th of succeeding monthMonthly return on the basis of finalization of details of outward supplies and inward supplies along with the payment of amount of taxForm GST ITC-1Monthly—Communication of acceptance, discrepancy or duplication of input tax credit claimForm GSTR-3A——Notice to a registered taxable person who fails to furnish return under section 27 and section 31Form GSTR-9Annually31st Dec of next fiscalAnnual Return – furnish the details of ITC availed and GST paid which includes local, interstate and import/exports.

Composite Tax Payer

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be Furnished Form GSTR-4AQuarterly—Details of inward supplies made available to the recipient registered under composition scheme on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplierForm GSTR-4Quarterly18th of succeeding monthFurnish all outward supply of goods and services. This includes auto-populated details from Form GSTR-4A, tax payable and payment of tax.Form GSTR-9AAnnual31st Dec of next fiscalFurnish the consolidated details of quarterly returns filed along with tax payment details.

Foreign Non-Resident Taxpayer

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be Furnished Form GSTR-5Monthly20th of succeeding month or within 7 days after the expiry of registrationFurnish details of imports, outward supplies, ITC availed, tax paid, and closing stock

Input Service Distributor

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be Furnished Form GSTR-6AMonthly0n 11th of succeeding monthDetails of inward supplies made available to the ISD recipient on the basis of Form GSTR-1 furnished by the supplierForm GSTR-6Monthly13th of succeeding monthFurnish the details of input credit distributed

Tax Deductor

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be Furnished Form GSTR-7Monthly10th of succeeding monthFurnish the details of TDS deductedForm GSTR-7AMonthly15th of subsequent monthTDS Certificate – capture details of value on which TDS is deducted and deposit on TDS deducted into appropriate Govt.

E-commerce and Service Aggregators

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be furnished Form GSTR-8Monthly10th of succeeding monthDetails of supplies effected through e-commerce operator and the amount of tax collected on supplies

Aggregate Turnover Exceeds 1 crore

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be furnished Form GSTR-9BMonthly10th of succeeding monthReconciliation Statement – audited annual accounts and a reconciliation statement, duly certified.

Final return

For taxable person whose registration has been surrendered or cancelledReturn TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be furnished Form GSTR-10Monthly10th of succeeding monthFurnish details of inputs and capital goods held, tax paid and payable.

Government Departments and United Nation Bodies

Return TypeFrequencyDue DateDetails to be furnished Form GSTR-11Monthly10th of succeeding monthDetails of inward supplies to be furnished by a person having UIN

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